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Goreme open air museum

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Göreme Open Air Museum
Göreme Open Air Museum

The most important works that illuminate the history f Christianity in Cappadocia are churches hollowed in rocks. There are more than two hundreds and fifty churches in the region. Also, churches and monasteries can be seen in all of the valleys. In this part of the site, the most important ones of them are going to be mentioned. The area that churches are commonly found is Göreme as religious centre that life of monasetery was come true between 3.and 8. centuries. For the architecture and decorations of the churches and chapels is as wides examples in Göreme Valley. The churces, monasteries and chapels which are suitable for visit in Göreme Open Air Museum are narrated on the below.

First structure is monastery of nuns at the Goreme open air museum. In fact, the monastery of nuns known as six or seven floors but can be visited only three floors yet. The connection between the floors of the monastery is provided with tunnel and tunnel entrance are closed with sliding stones like underground cities of Cappadocia. There is a dining hall in the first floor, second floor has a chapel which decorated with frescoes and third floor also has a church with geometric decoration. There is Monastery of Priests near the Monastery of the nuns. Only a few rooms on the ground floor can be visited for into the rock layers are destroyed. A little later there is Hagios Basileos church which is known a tomb chapel walls decorated with frescoes. Near this church there is Aynali monastery with places around a courtyard. Aynali monastery has a big room which suppositional meeting room, a church and tomb rooms. Elmali monastery, for many years been used as a loft, all entries have been closed and thus without destroying frescoes hardly reached today. Understanding that the church is decorated in two differnet periods by means of red paint figurative decorations bottom of the poured frescoes. There is Barbara Church behind the Elmali church, Barbara Church walls are decorated with geometric figures and animal pictures. Just ahead Church of Hagia Katherina’ frescoes largely damaged. Yilanli church has a church, refectory, and other places. It has been named as Yilanli Church (Church with snake) for on one of the frescoes St. Georgios fight with a dragon on a horse.

Goreme Open Air Museum is a member of Unesco World Heritage List since 1984. Open everyday between 8.00 a.m and 7.00 p.m. in winter months close earlier. Tel: 00 90 384 271 21 67 (From out of Turkey)

How can you go: Goreme open air museum is near the Goreme town of Nevsehir province. Nevsehir is 670 km. far from Istanbul, 280 km. from Ankara, 750 km. from Izmir. Goreme is 15 km. from Nevsehir center, you can go by bus, minibus or taxi to Goreme from Nevsehir. You can go by walking to museum from Goreme in 20 minutes.

Göreme open air museum entrance fee is 300 Turkish Lira (2023)

Göreme Open Air Museum
Göreme Open Air Museum

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