Tapduk Emre Turbe; In the village of Tapduk in the foothills of Mount Ekecik, 20 km from Aksaray. Environment of the mosgue and turbe has recently been arranged and trees have been planted. Over the tomb belonging to Yunus Emre’s Sheikh Tapduk Emre, a stone sarcophagus had been built without any damage.

Yunus Emre Turbe; The pioneer of mysticism and Turkish poetry in Anatolia, Yunus Emre was born in 1240-1241i lived for between 82 and 87 years and passed away in 1329-1330. Documents that have come down to us demonstrate conclusively that he lived in Central Anatolia.
The Yunus Emre Turbe, which is located at Ziyaret peak in the village of Readiye, is 20 km from the centre of Ortaköy district. It is set on a stone podium and a wall protects the northern part. There is a penance cell located 500 m east from the turbe. The tomb, which has a mescit (small mosque) and fountain, is made of cut stone.