Cappadocia which is unique in the world and is a miraculous nature wonder is the common name of the field covered by the provinces of Aksaray, Nevsehir, Nigde, Kayseri and Kirsehir in the Central Anatolian region.

In the upper Myosen period in the Cappadocia region as a result of the vulcanic eruptions occurred in Erciyes, Hasandag and Gulludag, in the region was formed a large tableland from the vulcanic tufas and together with the erosion of the Kizilirmak river and wind over ten thousands of years there appeared the chimney rocks which are a wonder of the nature. In the old Bronze Age the Cappadocia which was the population zone of the Assyrian civilization later has hosted the Hittite, Frig, Pers, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman civilizations. The first Christians escaped from the persecution of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century B.C. came to the Cappadocia over the Antakya and Kayseri and they have settled here. The first Christians finding the underground cities from Cappadocia have been hidden in these underground cities which gates were made in such way in which they couldn’t be easily observed and they have escaped from the persecution of the Roman soldiers. Due that they had live in the underground cities for long duration without being able to go out they have developed these underground cities by making provisions rooms, ventilation chimneys, wine production places, churches, abbeys, water wells, toilets and meeting rooms.
In the prehistoric periods the first human settlements have begun and the humans have constructed the underground cities in the volcanic rocks in form of tufa due to protect themselves from the wild animals and they lived for long times in these underground cities. There are so many underground cities on the Cappadocia area of Turkey but the biggest is Derinkuyu Underground City.
In these cities made in form of rooms connected to each others some of the rooms were connected to each other only with the tunnels tight and permitting passing of just a person. At the access gates of these tunnels there were huge stone rollers used for closing the tunnels for security reasons.

The first populations of the region of Cappadocia were Hatties, Luvies and Hittites. In the 3000-2000 years B.C. the Assyrians have established trade colonies in this region. The Cappaddocian tables with cuneiform in Assyrian language founded at Kanes which are lighting the social and politic life of the period and were in the same time the trade and economical agreements are the firs written tablets of Anatolia. According to these documents in that period in Anatolia were founded small local kingdoms non-depending from a central authority. These had in generally in their hands a little area and were living in peace. The region creating the core of the Hittite Empire later has go under the domination of Phrigia and Pers. The Pers civilization has called this region Katpatuka and its center was Mazaka. When Datames the Satrab (Starab: little district administrator at Pers) of Cappadocia has bear arms against the biggest king of Pers, the other Anatolian Satrabs have been supported him but the revolt has been raided. In 33 b.c. the Big Alexander has captured a big part of Cappadocia. In 188 B.C. The Cappadocia which entered under the Roman domination has been captured in 100 B.C. by the Mithridatesd the king of Pontus but in 63 B.C. Pompeius has defeated Mithridates and took again the Cappadocia under the domination of Rome. In the period of Tiberius the Cappadocia gainded the status of Roman district.
Cappadocia was one of the most important places in the spreading periods of the Christian religion. The first christians trying to escape from the Roman soldiers who wanted to avoid the spreading of the Christian religion have settled in the region of Cappadocia which was so suitable for hiding and so they were able to continue their natures and to spread their religions. Saint Basileious from Kaisera and Saint Gregorios from Nyssa had settled in Cappadocia. In 647 A.C. together with occupation of Kayseri by Muaviye Cappadocia has met with the Arabian invasions. Cappadocia which went under the domination of the Seljuks in 1072 has been added to the lands of Ottoman Empire in 1399 by the Ottoman Sultan Yildirim Beyazit.
For simplify your tour you may divide the Cappadocia area into four section. Urgup and surrounds, Goreme and surrounds, Avanos and surrounds, Guzelyurt and surrounds. Dont forget to take a map with you. For a more detailed guide you can buy Cappadocia, life and travel guide, by Peribacasi Publishing or Moon Spotlight Cappadocia by Jessica Tamturk.
Cappadocia which is in our days one of the most important tourism centers of Turkey and Cappadocia balloon tour on of the most popular balloon tour center of the world is visited every year by millions of tourists coming from every part of the world. I think Cappadocia is the best destination of the World.
How can you go to Goreme from Cappadocia Airports
Do you want to go to cappadocia? We can help you! If you need help please contact us for more information.

We are 10 people from Thailand who plan to visit Turkey in May this year.
The tour agency suggested hotel in Cappadocia “Suhan”. I went thru the reviews and they are not impressive at all.
Can you recommend a good hotel 4-5 star hotel for our group? So I can suggest to the agency, if the rate is not different maybe they can change for us?
Many thanks,
Best regards,
All visit to Turkey – you would be est to check with the hotel to set up your visit. Also the American Embasssy can recommend a travel company in country. I leaved their for 4 years and Cappadocia was wonderful = sometimes spelled with a “K”. Stay in a cave hotel.
Hi, I’m going to visit cappadocia on 21st July 2014. I wanted to know, if we can easily get the taxis or buses to travel to the touristic destinations there?? Or I need to take some tour packages only?? Also the entrance fees (if any) for such places? Also please suggest me the best place to do hot air balloning and the ticket fares please???????
Voy a viajar con mi señora a Estambul el 26 de febrero de 2015. Y tengo intenciones de ir a conocer Capodoccia. Quisiera saber el precio de los vuelos y los horarios. Y allí en Capodoccia si se puede contratar una excursión para conocer los lugares turísticos.
Agradezco respuesta
Muchas gracias
I am mexican. I want to go from Istanbul to Cappadocia by plane. how can I have information about tours all inclusive? how many days are required to have a nice trip tour? Thanks in advance for your comments.
Hi! Me and my friend are planning to have 1 week vacation in Istanbul Turkey on January 2015 and we plan to visit also your beautiful Cappadocia and experience the balloon tour. Is there any chance the balloon tour will be held on January? Is it available all year round? And can you please suggest a cozy and affordable hotel to stay at? Thank you so much!
My son and I traveled this September and really enjoyed Cappadocia region. We stayed at the Kelebek Hotel in Goreme and were very satisfied — it serves a wonderful breakfast buffet each day, complete with fresh honeycomb and gozleme. Would recommend it!
Arriving in Istanbul Oct 5 and would like to go to cappadocia on Oct 9 and 10
Hello! I am flying from Istanbul to Cappadocia on June 20th, staying for 2 nights, and would like to fly from Cappadocia to Izmir on June 22nd. However, I cannot find any non-stop direct flights from Cappadocia to Izmir on the June 22nd. Do you know if the non-stop flights go every day? I might be looking at the wrong airlines? Any help is appreciated!
Thank you!
Dear Stephanie
You can not find directly flight, İzmir flight from Cappadocia is connected via Istanbul Airport.
If you need hotel, tours etc in Cappadocia please dont hesitate contact to us.
How much time I need to visit Cappadoccia area? I only have 3 days.. departing from Istanbul.. on 11th June.
Thank you,
Dear Guest
cappadocia is a very big area, three days is not enough for see all places, but you can see most important places. Goreme open air museum, Derinkuyu underground city, Ihlara valley, Urgup, Avanos etc. And you can join a balloon tour. Maybe best vay, join Cappadocia tours
Have a nice trip
I booked flight from Istanbul to arrive in Kayseri. We are staying at the Yunak Evleri Hotel in Urgup. Can you please let me know if there is a shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel?
Maybe your hotel has a shuttle bus, firstly please ask to your hotel.
hello, I am coming to Istanbul from Sept 12-20 and would love to arrange a tour of your area, including transportation, hotel, balloon tour and tour of important areas…I have 2 nights and 3 days including transportation to and from Istanbul. Please send me cost, suggestions and times. Thank you!
Hi, my name is Tuvsho. I am from Mongolia. I want go to Cappadocia Turkey
Salam, I am from Pakistan need help as I’m a writer, a fiction writer. I’m starting a novel set in turkey. Mainly cappadocia as my main character is an paleontologist and the story would be a thriller adventure. I want guidance as to what are the basic problems in the area. Poeple there are they educated their lifestyle. How much practicing Muslims. Any lead story that might need worlds attention.
I would be grateful if anyone help me here
I’m from Dubai, I visited Cappadocia and found very nice and beautiful city. I recommend everyone going to Turkey must visit this city. Please don’t forget to visit Goreme open air museum, Derinkuyu underground city, Ihlara valley, Urgup, Avanos and nearby.
We want to know how the weather and conditions look like for this weekend? we are planning to go just for one day and we wanna ake sure we can fly in the ballon.
I am plannig to visit turkey in july.
Can someone pls tel me:
How to travel to cappdocia from istanbul?
a good hotel to stay in cappadocia?
Good hang out places here?
Does turkish airline take u to cappadocia from Istanbul?
Dear M. Afzal,
Thank you for writing us.
There are direct flights from Istanbul to Cappadocia and on your request we can book it on your behalf.
Plenty cave hotel choises in Cappadocia region according to your budget could also be arranged by us.
We do Cappadocia daily sightseeing tours with professional English speaking guide that you can join.
From Cappadocia airport we can also arrange you airport shuttle bus transfers.
Need to book Eastern Express train to Kars from Cappadocia around 14th june. please let me help to book the tickets
When is the best way to travel to Cappadocia from Istanbul? How much are flights versus buses? How long does it take by bus versus playing. What is an average cost of a cave hotel and hot air balloon ride? Can you book all of these request?
Thanks for the information about Cappadocia. Is there any good balloon tours that you would recommend ?
How is Cappadocia handling the COVID pandemic? Are hotels and attractions still opeN?
Yes all the hotels and atrractions still open and running their business. Covid pandemic regulations are not very stricted but still have rules for public transportations, public areas such as distance and wearing mask.
Hi there,
Hoping to visit this year, flying in from Toronto Canada. Hoping to see some sights of sunrise and all the balloons
Is the city open? Are all balloon tours open?
What restrictions currently?
Dear Jason
Everything turned to normal in Turkey, there is not any problem.